I sign for the work I bring out. This work falls under my artistic responsibility. At the same time, I find creativity a form of energy, of resilience, that often arises in the interspace with The Other. My learning process is part of a learning process from The Other. I’m talking about the people who closely collaborate with me. That is why I would like to mention some of them here. Not so much to thank them, because I would be selling them short. I would like to express my appreciation for their talent and expertise.

In alphabetical order:
Het Beeldgebouw  – Fotovaklab, Ridderkerk –
André Beuving (image editing, Art-Crtl / Blxm) 
Andy, Boudewijn and Noud Kemner – Bronsgieterij Kemner, Cuijk –
Karin van Lieverloo – KaaT | Kunst & teksT –
Michael van Praag (webdesign, webmaster) 
Erwin Stam – Erwin Stam Tuinstudio –
Maddy Stolk (editor)

My gallery owners, dear colleagues, press editors, assistants, make up-artists, stylists and interns throughout the years.
And my muses, all the wonderful people who stood in front of my camera, with who’m I was able to create my visions. 
Thanks also to all who believe in The Ones at Home Gallery in Amsterdam.

Micky Hoogendijk

Text & final editing of Studio Micky Hoogendijk website: 
© 2023 Karin van Lieverloo – KaaT | Kunst & teksT